Point Nun Report: Prime Timers Anniversary party 9/17/2

Saturday the Prime Timers hosted one of their now infamous parties at Club Cafe in Boston. In attendance were the Primer Timers Board, a small army of local members, Sister Judy B Good, Sister Brother Freddie Anne Willing, Sister Jessa Belle, Postulant Sister Cheri Tonin, Novice Sister Ava Cado and representatives from the Boston City Council.

An amazing time was had by all, as always. Food and drink were generous as stories and jokes flowed with even more generosity. Boston is the birthplace of the Prime Timers and we remain in awe of their many accomplishments over the years and the rich history our two organizations share together.

That history got even richer that afternoon, as long time member Jerry was honored by both the Prime Timers and the Boston City Council for his history of service to the community. Our abbess even got to say a few words in the spirit of all his work. Jerry reminded us that we have come far as a community and there is yet still more to do. That service comes with many rewards. We thank you Jerry.

The Prime Timers also honored the Boston Sisters with a comically large check. After being informed we were not allowed to bring the cardboard check to the bank, they provided a paper one to replace it. Thank you Prime Timers. We are honored to use these funds to continue our support of the community.

Author: Betty Esem