Nun Report: Bayard Rustin Community Breakfast, 04/13

Sister Brother Freddie Anne Willing descended upon the John F Kennedy Presidential Library. Spirits were high all around, with smiles, greetings and conversations in every corner. The speakers and performances were outstanding. I want to take special note of the amazing Renee Graham who reminded us how far we’ve come, and how much fight we are still embroiled in.

Liz Page received the Community Recognition Award for her amazing awareness campaigns and fundraising efforts including the AIDS Walk. Casa Esperanza received the Belynda Dunn Award for Activism, for their resilient work around addiction, illness and recovery. Jim Morage received the Bayard Rustin Award for Courage for his efforts around AIDS action, and community support, including his many years working on Harbor to the Bay. We lift them up and use them as inspiration to keep doing what needs to be done.


Author: Betty Esem