Fenway Women’s Dinner Party

At 3 PM, on Saturday, April 6 th , Nv.Gd. Isaiah Prayer joined Srs. Angie O’Plasty and Sr. Heidi Sins for
manifestation in Dorchester. We painted and joked, and hit the road at 5 PM, for a timely arrival at the
venue. At 5:45 PM we met with our contact, Niamh Foley, and she gave us the load down for the
evening. We were joined very soon after by Sisters Harrie Magdalene, Amanda Tyanwhip, Lida Christ,
Teresa Glass and Nv. Srs. Faith N. Humanity, Bee Big. A quick briefing was held to relay the timings and
role assignment, and then we separated into groups and started mingling, taking pictures and spreading
At about 6:45 PM we escorted the fabulously dressed guests (and an out of face Sister and her Partner)
into the main venue. The festivities commenced soon after 7 PM.
As the evening progressed, funds were raised, meals were enjoyed, and the “Susan M. Love” Award was
presented to a very grateful Congresswoman Ayanna Presley.
Soon after this, Sr. Harrie Magdalene and Nv.Sr. Bee Big assisted the Event Chairs on stage to show
“how” the Ask will be conducted (role play). All Sisters then dispersed throughout the venue and
collected the donation envelopes from the generous attendees.
A few bums were shook (our own ones, thank you very much!!) on the dance floor, while other Sisters
manned the escalator landing to thank, express well wishes, and distribute “Boston Spirit” magazines to
the departing guests.
A wonderful night of amazing guests, wonderful interactions, gorgeous fashions (All Sisters and Nv.
Guard were well represented in this area too – everyone looked FABULOUS!) were had by all!
A few days after the event an effusive email, expressing the gratitude of the Fenway Health Organization
for the support the Sisters provided at this event and the others we regularly partake in, was received. I
especially enjoyed the line “Our galas truly would not be the same without you all.”

A glorious time was had by all,
Much love,

Author: May