Category: Latest News
Point Nun Report: Sister Bingo for the Grants Fund June 15th
Posted on by Freddie.Anne Willing
On Monday July 13, Sr. Tori D’Affair went to Club Cafe for an extra special Pride Month Bingo with Mizery. Mid-face paint and one drink in, Sr. Tori realized no one else was confirmed to attend. Thankfully, Brother Gary and Sr. Freddie Anne came to…
Point Nun Report: Pop-Up Pride June 12th
Posted on by Freddie.Anne Willing
Point Nun Report: Aeronaut Cannery June 12th
Posted on by Freddie.Anne Willing
Yesterday was the Aeronaut Cannery bingo and drag show. Woke the crowd was smaller it was still a blast. Novice Sister Freddie was able to join me for 5 rounds of bingo!! We made $150 in cash and $20 electronically. We were able to spread joy and…
Point Nun Report: Trans Pride June 4th
Posted on by Freddie.Anne Willing
Nv Sr Freddie Anne Willing and Br Gary Cruter solicited $650 in donations for Trans Emergency Fund! The funds were given to TEF at the end of the event. We were also interviewed by the Globe, so watch for their coverage of the event.