Point Nun Report: Holiday card making with gay 4 good and Stonewall sports 11/24/2024

On Sunday, November 24, 2024, Sisters, Rosetta and Freddy, and Postulant Spot all met up at PRYDE housing complex out in Hyde Park. After confabbing with the event organizers, the layout of the day was made, and the doors opened and in came the crowds….

Point Nun Report: Life’s a Drag Let’s do Brunch 10/20/2024

On Sunday 20 October 2024, Srs Freddie and Rosetta met up early in the day and made their way in the OGS (“other green Subaru”) to Farmington Gardens in Farmington , Connecticut. Once there, they were led to the bridal chambers—a bathroom suite where they…

Point Nun Report: Mass Bears and Cubs Contest 10/12/2024

On Saturday, 12 Oct 2024, Sisters Rosetta, Judy, Freddie, and Novice Sister Ava met up at The Alley Bar for the Massbears and Cubs contest. The Sisters delivered the blessing to an appreciative audience including showers of bubbles and paper airplanes with our credo and…

Point Nun Report: NorthEast Pet and Handler Contest (NEPAH) 10/05/2024

We were, once again, greeted with open arms, wagging tails, and so much love. While on the way down the three of us discussed the pet play community and decided to invoke, emphasize, and bless the Play. So…. Betty introduced the Sisters & then Ima…