Category: Event Archives
Sister Shiny Brite and Guard Ian Knight were joined by Postulant Isaiah Prayer and manifested at the Island of Misfit Toys. Headed over to Ramrod where festivities were already underway. The trio met Sister Amanda Tyanwhip who was already spreading joy, and Dusty Moorehead-Malletti whom…
Archdale Christmas Party
On Friday afternoon Novice Sister Bee Big and Sister Lida Christ convened in Dorchester to manifest for the Archdale Community Center Christmas party for which the Boston Sisters graciously and generously bought Christmas gifts and a stuffed stocking for 69 underprivileged children from the Archdale…
Toys 4 Joys
On Saturday, Srs. Heidi and Angie arrived to the Revere Hotel and were met by the Organizer James Rifino. They were soon joined by the rest of the attending members honoring the 7 PM call time. Due to a misunderstanding on the T4J side, the…
Transgendered Day of Remembrance
On Sunday, Sister Heidi Sins was joined by Sister Sandra Musique, Novice Sister Pax and Saint Meg-A-Pixel for manifestation in Dorchester. A prompt departure was made to Dewey Square for a 4:35 PM arrival. Here we were met by a small crown of marchers. Soon…