Greetings All,
On Wednesday, June 18, Point Nun Sister Eunice X was joined at The Convent for communal facing by Sister KrisTall Mighty and Novice Sister Lida Christ. We were remarkably on time and ready to head out by 5:00 PM, with plenty of margin for a 6:30 PM sailing. And that was lucky, because after deciding on UBER instead of driving, we got stuck in such a nightmare of bumper-to-bumper, stand-still traffic, that before we even got to South Station we decided to abandon the car at walk – which was much, much, much faster than prevailing traffic.
We greeted guests as they came on board, sold our little Nun-buts off in raffle tickets (approximately $1500 for 3 Nuns in 1.5 hours), and said goodnight as people left the boat. I know that weeknights are tough for all of us, but had we had three more Nuns we would have easilyscored $3000. Many people expressed disappointment that we didn’t reach them in time to sell them tickets. That’s amazing – and a bit sad.
We have worked this event for so many years in a row that we had many followers who were thrilled to see us! At the end we said our goodbyes and cabbed home for a quiet exhaustion. And there was much rejoicing.
Much love and respect,
Sr. Eunice X