Taste of the South End

Sisters Rosie, Sandra, KrisTall accompanied Postulant Agnes for her introduction to society at our annual participation in Aids Action Committee’s production of the Taste of the South End.

We arrived spot on, (Amazingly I, KTM, was the first manifested. Believe it or not), at the Cyclorama  just before 6pm. This was only possible due to the amazing parking abilities of Sister Rosie as she squeezed her way into the school parking lot and found one of the last spots.

We were greeted by the line of clients as we entered the Cyclorama only to be stopped by the new security contingent who asked for our tickets only to be answered by the squeals of joy from up above “The Sisters are here!!”.  The security person apologized and we were met by some very happy volunteers and staff.

Dropping our coats in the back we made it only as far as the door way before we were set up on by the paparazzi.   We had to hurry the photos and promise more focus later.

Rosie and Sandra set up with the raffle coordinator and we broke off into two groups, Rosie and Sandra along Agnes and KTM.  We all hit the VIP room were our success at the raffle sales began.   We had the gifts of cookware and the grand prize of a two room 7 day resort stay to raffle at $10 a ticket.   We had many 20’s and a couple 100s come our way.  Rosie and Sandra hit the big room first while Agnes and I finished up in the VIP lounge (long lines to libations..)

We all worked the main room from opposite sides and were able to muster up more sales.   Just before the final call we doubled, our efforts and sold more than $200 more worth at the very end bringing the final tally to over $1,300.

Sandra then brought our attention to the fact that the wine ring toss game needed our help with assisting the volunteers running the game to attract more participants to earn $ for the cause.  We worked that crowd and had a line of people standing waiting in turn as we left the venue.

All in all our participation created quite a great event and we were instrumental in their fund raising success onsite.   We met quite a few regulars, new friends, and people who are happy to help us with our fundraising.   Tiffany, Top Chef participant and owner of a local restaurant, was quite engaging and shared a conversation with Rosie.   Hopefully we will get a few certificates as raffle or bingo prizes.  We had several photographers vying for our attention, though we did miss our Marilyn this year, and I am proud to say that Agnes has made her public debut in the Boston Courant.   Many other pictures are online at the edge.com and other photographers have promised to contact us.

Great night, great event, great company, great food, great wine, awesome fundraising, wonderful event.

Yours most truly,

Author: Webmaster