Sister Bimea Ferrari
Born the first time:
Sometime in the 1980’s
Born again:
June 29, 2011 whilst sitting atop the dancing pitches and eves of rooftops along Commonwealth Avenue enjoying a glass of wine and an assortment of cheeses.
Your Family Tree:
My big sisters are Sisters Sandra Musique and Teresa Solution, and Mother is Sister Eunice X.
What is your lay occupation?
I do things for people.
Describe your path leading to your calling to the order
The Sisters have beckoned me for years. I have been giving back to the community before I ever took anything…so it’s not really giving back then, is it?
Moving along: As a teenager I liked to challenge people to be more open and honest about their feelings, asking questions like “why?” “how?” “what in God’s name were you thinking?” At first I wasn’t popular, but over time, people around me valued my wicked upfrontness and I was voted Homecoming King (and Queen, but this part was later invalidated).
Although I came of age after the first brutal wave of the AIDS crisis, steeping with bigotry, bullying and bias, I was raised by a loving and nurturing family. I could see others had it worse than me, and felt the need to be “that guy” and stand up.
In sum, I feel an obligation to challenge the sense of normal around all of us, because, in every one of us is a bullied person, and if I can stand up looking like this, you can stand up looking any way you please.
Explain your interpretation of the Ministry of Perpetual Indulgence
Irony steeped in karma painted white and covered with glitter.
Who inspires you?
- Princess Diana, for shocking the world by touching someone with AIDS.
- Erin Brockovich, for being a modern David slaying Goliath.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., for his vision of equality and social justice.
Favorite Quote:
[Front]: “Jack offs like you should take a cab…”
[Back]: “Thank you for parking so close. Next time leave a fu*#ing can opener so I can get my car out.”
[A small card left on my windshield]. Because even though you may not see the impact of your actions, you can always be more mindful of others.