A statement regarding Boston Pride

To Our Boston Family:
A lot of discussions have been had over the last few years about the diversity and intersectionality of the Boston Pride Committee. We understand how complicated it can be to fully represent the LGBTQIA+ community, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. After the events of 2020, the Boston Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence feel we need to speak out on this topic. We were greatly disappointed by BPC’s response to the requests of our BIPoC and transgender siblings and all those who identify outside of the binary.
After long discussion we have decided that until the Boston Pride Committee Board truly represents the diversity and beauty of Boston’s queer community we will no longer participate in Boston Pride.
We take vows to serve the whole community and to stand up to bigotry and intolerance wherever it appears. Institutional racism is EVERYONE’S burden to eradicate, not just those who are BIPoC.
We Love You. We Adore You. We Support You. We Protect You. We SERVE You. We Are YOUR Sisters.
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