Point Nun Report: Dyke March 6/7/2024

On Friday June 7th 2024, the dykes were not marching one by one, hurrah hurrah. No, instead it seemed to best attended Dyke March that I have had the honor to witness. The dykes were easily marching 9 by 9, if not greater, and they stretched a very long way down Boston’s streets.

In attendance were Novice Sister Ava Cado, Postulant Sister Cheri Tonin, Sister Brother Freddie Ann Willing, Sister Lida Christ, Sister Stella Tension-Hor, Sister Alison Chains and Postulant Sister Tess Tosterone. Once gathered we marched alongside the community in solidarity of our struggles, and to create a space at Pride free of corporate sponsors, with as minimal a police presence as possible.

I continue to admire the work the Dyke March does to create a space that feels safe and accessible to as many members of our community as possible. They truly seem tireless, and the efforts are clear and appreciated. Once the march was over the speaker and performance series began in earnest. We set about our task of shaking the buckets, doing our part to make sure the Dyke March is able to continue every year.

A big thank you to the Arlington St Church for allowing us to use their nearby space to get ready.

Author: Betty Esem